Medical Information

Medical / Sickness

Unwell children at school

Parents should not send unwell children to school. We are equipped to handle minor injuries that occur at school. In the event of an accident or serious illness, the Principal or teacher in charge will act in 'loco parentis' to arrange for medical treatment if parents cannot be contacted. Please ensure we have up-to-date phone numbers and emergency numbers. If the illness appears to be of a minor temporary nature, children will be monitored and parents contacted if there is no improvement.

If parents wish children who are recovering from an illness to be exempt from sport or fitness, a note must be written to the teacher.

Children who have a contagious condition such as nits or school sores MUST stay at home until properly treated.


NZ Government Website

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention.


The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols.

You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are near someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth. The virus spreads more easily indoors and in crowded settings.