Enrolling a pupil
Pupils living within the school's 'zone' are entitled to enrol at Pahoia School. Prior to your first day our office administrator will fill out enrolment forms with you on the morning of your child’s first day at school. For 5 year olds, proof of age eg. Birth Certificate must be produced. For pupils arriving from another school, we simply complete an enrolment form. Immunisation records will be asked for. New Entrants are able to organise visits with the new entrant teachers before they begin full time.
A visit to the school to discuss a pupil's transition and for a guided tour prior to a pupil starting is encouraged. Please speak to the office regarding this.
Enrolment Scheme
Pahoia School operates an enrolment scheme. Pupils who wish to enrol at our school and live outside the school's 'zone' need to apply in writing. If the number of 'out of zone' pupils exceeds the number of places available in a term, a ballot system will decide who is able to enrol. Please see below for the school's enrolment zone.
Application deadlines and ballot dates for out of zone places for all year levels in each term are:
Term 3: Thursday 15th June 2023
Term 4: Thursday 7th September 2023
Term 1: Thursday 23rd November 2023
Term 2: Thursday 21st March 2024
Term 3: Thursday 13th June 2024
Term 4: Thursday 5th September 2024

Enrolment Zone
Description of the enrolment zone: From the Katikati side, our zone, starting at State Highway 2, includes the addresses on Wright Road and all the roads coming off Wright Road.
On the eastern side of SH2, our boundary is the Whatakao Stream down to the coastline.
On the Omokoroa side, starting at the coastline, our boundary follows the Waipapa River up to Francis Road, including the addresses on Francis Road and SH2 up to but not including Omokoroa Road and Youngson Road.
The zone then travels along Youngson Road until Old Highway but does not include the addresses on Youngson Road. From the Old Highway/Youngson Road intersection, the zone goes north and includes the addresses on Old Highway and Waipapa Block Road.
From the end of Waipapa Block Road, the zone links to the Waipapa River, travels south along the Waipapa River and links to the top of Esdaile Road.
From that point, the western boundary is dictated by the base of the Kaimais and includes the addresses on the following roads which all end at the base of the Kaimais - Tim Road, Work Road, Wright Road and all the roads coming off Wright Road.
If you have any queries regarding the zone, please contact the school office.